Isolated in Sydney - What am I doing?

Never in a million years did we expect our year abroad to turn out like this. We are all in the same boat and I'm well aware that everyones plans for the foreseeable future are out the window. My situation is so minor compared to others and my heart breaks for everyone going through this rough time. This blog post is not a pity party for myself, it is just the reality of what's going on over here. I've been getting a lot of questions on Instagram and I just thought I would answer them all here.
For anyone that's been following me for the past few months you'll know myself and my boyfriend Jake saved for months to make the move out to Australia. We moved out in January and have been living in Sydney ever since. What we imagined as having the best year of our life has been put on hold but we will still continue to make the most of it, even if it's just the two of us in our little apartment. Every journey has a few bumps along the way but we just didn't expect them to be this big.
Let me bring you up to speed with what's been going on. Two weeks ago I was in the happiest place I've been in in a long time. I got a job in a company that I really loved, I was starting to make friends and I was finally setting into a routine. Now I know A LOT of peoples situations are way worse than mine and its awful what's going on, but bear in mind this is just my story.
Fast forward to present day, I've lost my job, the chances of getting another one anytime soon is slim and the life I was really starting to enjoy ended in a flash. Mentality it's been exhausting, stress levels have sky rocketed. What will we do for money if we both lose our jobs? Should we just give up and come home? What if we get ill? Is everyone at home ok? What will we do for money if we do come home? Jakes English, I'm Irish, can we both go to Ireland together? The list goes on...
The positives? Jake has a job and he can work from home, we have each other in our apartment, the sun is still shining, we have food, not so much toilet paper, but in hindsight we're actually very lucky.
Are we coming home? A question we get asked 50 million times a day (slight exaggeration). For now, no. Every time more news comes out about COVID-19 we consider our options. At the moment we feel safer here, there's a lot of risks with going to the airport and being on a plane for 20+ hours, also have you seen the price of the flights!
Staying in Sydney is our decision right now, by the time you read this it could be different (hopefully not). Everything is so unpredictable at the moment and that's why we are taking it day by day. I'm trying not to worry, I'm making sure each day I get some fresh air, a bit of exercise and a healthy dose of tv, food and coffee. I'm talking to my family everyday which is really comforting. In times like this it's so important to stay connected, especially if you are on the other side of the world.
We are extremely lucky we have our health and right now that is the main thing. It is so important to follow the guidelines we are given and just keep thinking, each day is a day closer to being back to normal.
I hope everyone is safe and looking after yourself and most importantly isolating and washing your hands!
I hope this answers a lot of your questions. Also, I'm going to have some spare time on my hands over the next few weeks so let me know if there's anything you want me to write about!
Zoë Elizabeth x