My Top Tips For The Perfect Fake Tan

There's a lot of beauty products I can't live without but if I had to choose one it would have to be fake tan.
I am definitely that girl who feels that little bit more confident when I've been in the sun or applied fake tan and living in Ireland/UK means that it usually comes from a bottle rather than catching a few rays.
I'm a big believer of the 'less is more' motto. I love makeup and every new beauty trend out there but I'll always opt for the minimal, least amount of effort when it comes to getting ready.
The reason why I love wearing fake tan is because you can get away with less makeup and less makeup means less effort which makes me a happy bunny.
On Instagram I get asked a lot about fake tan so in this post I'm going to give you all my advice to get a flawless, glowing tan!
How should I prep my skin before tanning?
Tanning rule numero uno, exfoliate!
Such a simple but crucial step in your tanning preparation. Exfoliating gets rid of dead skin cells and leaves your skin looking healthy and smooth.
Exfoliating is my least favourite part of tanning, I dread it but it has to be done if you want a streak free tan.

Click here for exfoliator glove
I don't use the exfoliating glove on my face as this is too rough for me. Instead I use a face scrub with beads or grains. At the moment I'm loving the tea tree squeaky clean Body Shop scrub.
Click here for face scrub
I exfoliate once a week or whenever I know I'll be applying tan.
Keep your skin moisturised. This is something you should be doing daily not just for tanning prep. This step is equally as important as exfoliating. Dry skin means patchy tan and we all know this is not a look.
The more moisturised your skin the longer your tan will last.
I find the Nivea rich nourishing 48 hour lotion amazing! You can get it in any chemist or supermarket and it's cheap.
Should I shave before or after I self-tan?
I always shave before. If you shave after you may strip your tan, leaving it look patchy.
It's the same with waxing but try to leave it at least 48 hours after waxing.
What brand of tan do I use?
There are endless amounts of tan on the market to choose from so it's important to choose the one suitable for you.
If you've been following me for a while, you may have noticed that I'm a brand ambassador for Tan Organic. I've been working with Tan Organic for almost a year now and it really is such a brilliant tan, I can't fault it.
This is the honest truth too, it goes on so well, it lasts, it's vegan, it's the worlds first eco-certified tan and it's full of completely natural ingredients.

What type of tan do I use?
So this varies.
At the moment I'm loving the Tan Organic Self Tan Oil. I find this ideal for anyone who has dry skin especially in winter.
I usually apply 2 layers of this for a natural glow.
For nights out or special occasions I tend to use the self tan mousse as it's darker.
Either of these tans can be built up. Usually if I want a really dark tan I'll start applying earlier in the week.
Click here for self tan oil & click here for mousse.
My top tips for applying fake tan
- My best advice for self tan application is start from the bottom and work your way up.
- Make sure you apply in circular motions with a mitt so you reach every inch!

- I always let the first layer dry before adding another layer, this way you can check to see if you missed anywhere and blend it in the second time round.
Also, everyone will be different about how many layers of tan to use. I'm quite sallow so I find 1-2 is perfect for me.
- Be extra careful around your knees, elbows and ankles - there's nothing worse than a build up of tan around these areas!
- I use the excess tan on the glove when I'm finished to do my hands and feet.
- Don't put any tan on your palms or soles of your feet.
- When you're finished use a wipe to get rid of any tan on your palms or fingernails.
- For my face and neck I use Tan Organic self-tanning oil for the face and neck and I apply with my hands, no glove.
- Try to avoid putting on deodorant after application, you don't want white pits.
- Once you've finished tanning, put on the loosest pair of pj's you have. Why? because you don't want any patches from tight clothing, a.k.a bras.

How often do I apply fake tan?
Since I work Monday to Friday I apply most Thursday nights to be tan ready for the weekend. Usually if I've got something on I apply tan the night before.
I find that a week between application is perfect for me especially if you look after it correctly.
Tan Organic self tan oil takes about 6-8 hours to apply, this is why I apply at night so it develops overnight.
How do I make my tan last longer?
One thing I get asked a lot is how do I get my tan to last longer and the answer is, moisturise.
This goes for real sun tans too, whenever I come back from holidays I moisturise a minimum of twice a day.
Moisturising is the key to making your tan last longer. I moisturise whenever I come out of the shower and again, I find Nivea moisturiser fantastic for this.
Avoid hot baths/showers as this can dehydrate your skin leaving your tan fade quicker.

Can I wear sun-cream with self tan?
Yes, of course and you should especially when you're away on holidays.
Use a waterproof sun cream, this will protect your skin from not just the sun but the sea and swimming pool as well.
Finally, clean your mitt!
Your mitt is one of the most important tools to get a flawless tan.
When you're finished tanning make sure you wash your mitt with hot soapy water and let it air dry. Otherwise you'll have a build up of tan on your mitt and an uneven tan, and nobody wants that.
Well I hope this answered some of your questions.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post, happy tanning!
Code for Tan Organic discount 'Zoe-10'
Zoe Elizabeth

** This blog post is not sponsored. Although I work with Tan Organic I wanted to write this blog post as it's something I get asked about quite often :) **