How I deal with Monday fear

Monday, a word that usually gives me fear but for the first time in a very long time Monday's have become a lot easier. I'm using the word 'Monday' very loosely here as I know not everyone gets weekends off. I worked in retail for a good while and my Monday could have been a wedneday or a Saturday so I understand it varies for everyone.
At the moment I've been lucky enough to get work Mon-Fri which is such a treat.
I've been brought up with my Mum constantly reminding me that happiness is so important so why dread a day that comes around every 7 days? Life is too short, we need to look at Monday in a different light and honestly, this has really made a difference to my life and that's what I want to write about today.
1. My Diary is my life
I haven't always been so organised but over the past few months I've started to write down everything. This includes important dates, things I need to get in the shop, blog ideas, places I want to go, outfits...everything!
Diaries are great for 2 reasons. 1) I don't forget anything. 2) I can visualise my week ahead. It's good to mentally prepare yourself rather than putting everything on the back burner and letting it creep up on you.
2. Evaluate the previous week
I'm not saying go and spend hours dysecting your week and think of ideas on how to take over the world. Every week I like to look at the progress I made and see what works for me and what doesn't. For example, last week I was quite lazy (which happens) I spent far too much time over thinking and planning rather than just doing.
There's only so many hours in a day so make sure you're using your time wisely. If you say you're going to work out or study for an hour, put the phone away and focus on doing this, you'll feel so much more productive.
3. Set realistic goals
This can be anything from going to the gym 3 times a week, writing 3 blog posts or learning a new meal to cook. Just make sure you make the time to do it and don't leave it until the end of the week when it starts to hang over you, there's no better start than Monday.
4. Love what your doing
I know it's a lot easier said than done but I spent years/months hating what I was doing and when I finally made the decision to chase my dream my life got so much easier. I'm not saying I love what I'm doing at the moment because I don't but what I'm really enjoying right now is the process and the motivation that comes along with persuing something you really want.
"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it"- Jonathan Winters.
5. Treat yourself
This is my favouirte two-word sentence - treat yourself. Give yourself something to look forward to every week. Some of my personal favourites are; going to the cinema, trying a new restaurant, going home to Tramore for a few days, buying Vogue magazine, shopping (obviously), meeting up with friends, date night... the list goes on.

6. Exercise
This is something I find really difficult especially if I havent been working out over the weekend. I always feel like I've had a very productive Monday if I get a workout in and this really sets me up for the week too. Recently I've been doing The Body Coach workouts at home which are great because they're short (which I love) but they're also very intense.
You just can't beat the feeling after exercising. Exercising releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy.
7. Fill your fridge
I do a food shop every week. I try to eat realatively healthy and keep the indulging to the weekend. There's nothing worse than waking up on a Monday morning to an empty fridge so make sure you stock up and plan your meals as this will save you time too!
8. Love Mondays!
This might sound crazy but to really get over Monday fear is teaching yourself to like Mondays. Every Monday gives us a fresh start to the week so we should be looking forward to it rather than dreading it. I know it sounds cheesy but life is short so why not look at Mondays as a positive because trust me, life will be so much easier.

I hope this helps anyone who's struggling with the thought of Mondays, I know how you feel and I believe that changing the way you think will do wonders for you. I really hope you enjoyed this post and if you've any questions (or advice) send me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'd like to say a massive thank you to Damien Broderick for taking these pictures. This was definitely one of my favouirte shoots I've done to date, he really is so talented!

Outfit details below.
Zoë Elizabeth
Outfit Details
Bodysuit - Primark
Mom jeans - Primark
Dr. Martens - Bloomingdales, Nyc
Earrings - Michael Kors