My Summer Escape

Over the past two weeks I've been travelling a bit (nothing too exciting). I've been to London and Leeds. I'm not going to lie, it doesn't take a lot for me to get inspired and want to move to a certain city, but yesterday I was pleasantly surprised after spending the day in Howth, a small, seaside village outside Dublin.

As the weather was probably the best yet yesterday, we decided we would spend the day in Howth. I've been to Howth once, years ago and remember how amazing it was when the weather was nice so I was hoping it would be the same.
It was better than i'd remembered. I am a real summer baby, wherever there's an ounce of sun, I'm happy. We took the Dart early enough to avoid crowds as the weather was so nice but OMG, we were definitely not early enough. Side note - go as early as possible on sunny says. Basically we were all squished up with no room to move, never mind having a seat, it was soo uncomfortable.

When we got there, it was better than I had remembered. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, you could smell the sea and of course the smell of fish and chips, which reminded me of home in Tramore. I've always been eager to live in big built up cities, bit being in Howth really inspired me to live there. You can really have the best of both worlds - a lovely sea side village and then the busy city centre 20 minutes away on the Dart (definitely something I'll consider for the future).
We started the morning with the Howth Market. What better way to start the morning with churros and coffee for breakfast? You can probably tell by my face that I was just slightly excited that we were having churros, its been a while since I've had them.

The market was lovely, packed with stalls with different foods of hand made treats and jewellery. My favourite were the Buns, I had to go back before we went home... I will 100% be going back for the buns alone, they were amazing. You can check out their page at

When I told some of my colleagues I was going to Howth they recommended having brunch in The House Restaurant (thank you!). Such a lovely restaurant, very casual and easy going but the food was amazing!! I had the avocado crostini.

I felt really at home being in Howth. Maybe it was because I grew up in a seaside village, or maybe it's because I felt like I was on holiday for the day. Either way I'll definitely be spending a lot of my days-off in Howth this summer.
Unfortunately all the restaurants were jam packed so i'll have to go back and try each place individually. The food being served looked delicious!! Nothing beats seafood tapas, especially when it's sourced so close to the restaurant.
We finished the day drinking wine and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of sunny Howth. If only Ireland had this warm weather for the rest of the summer.

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. Lets hope it stays like this!
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Zoë Elizabeth