New year, new me? Definitely not. Same old me, with the same old shopping habits I can't afford to have and my addiction to eating out on a regular basis.
Of course, i'll try and make the annual improvements and good intentions like everyone else but at the end of the day we're only human, we don't need a new year to 'change'.
This year I spent New Years Eve away from home. Usually I spend it at home in Tramore, which is always great craic but this year I flew over to my boyfriend in Cheshire. It was such a nice weekend, it was exactly what I needed after working through Christmas. We spent NYE in the pub, followed by our own after party (with DJ) in Evans house. His family are so much fun to be around so it was definitely a NYE to remember.

I tried this two piece on a while ago in Folkster, in Kilkenny and regretted not buying it. It literally haunted me. Luckily Santa was on his stalking game this year, so I was a very happy bunny opening this up on Christmas morning. When it comes to fashion, I am a complete sucker for 2 pieces and co-ords. I love them, I don't care if it's too matchy, it's just my thing.

From a distance it looks all black but up close you can see it's pin stripped (below).
The thing I love about 2 pieces is that you can wear it again and again, separately or together.
As it was NYE, I decided to wear fake tan for the occasion. To be honest, I hate wearing tan. I hate the smell, I hate the feel, I hate putting it on but this tan made it all worth while. I've heard so much about Bellamianta so I gave it a go. This is two layers, the main thing I like about it is that is gives an olive glow, not an orange tang. I'll definitely be sticking to this tan for the rest of the winter.

Anyway I hope everyone had an amazing NYE and I hope the New Year brings lots of health and happiness.
I'd also like to say, thanks to everyone that has supported my blog. I know it's still only new but i've lots of plans and projects to get it up from the ground so stick around!
Zoë Elizabeth
Two piece - Folkster
Choker - Penny's
Heels - Folkster
Earrings - Michael Kors
Necklace - Tiffany's