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PJs All Day

Ok, what I really mean is Pyjama inspiration, not actual PJs in public. This is a trend we saw last Spring/Summer, but it has crept its way into our Autumn/Winter wardrobe.

It's a wonderful thing when comfort and trend meet in the fashion world, how could you not like it?

There's two different types I like to go for when it comes to this trend: baggy and tailored.

(1) Bohemian Baggy

This is my personal fav. I got this shirt in Mango and it is the comfiest shirt everrrr.


- Buy a size too big, you want the furthest thing from tailored

- Button it down and roll up the cuffs - the scruffier the better

- Take this opportunity to show off belts, bras, chokers, whatever you want.

- Choose stripes

- Stay away from an iron, who irons pjs anyway?

(2) Tailored

For me, this is a lot more dressier. I chose this as one of the looks I did in a shoot with the amazing photographer Neal Byrne (Facebook @NealByrnePhotography). This was so fun to shoot especially since Neal put so much effort into the background, it made the black really stand out.

I think the tailored look, looks amazing with bright, vibrant colours, but me being me, I stuck with black - surprise. I got my black tailored jacket from RiverIsland.


- Wear it as a set. Try and stick to the same colour palette.

- Wear heels. I think this is essential to show that, what you're wearing is definitely not PJs. Also if the hem of the trouser is long, you'll need heels to keep it off the ground.

- Be adventurous with low necks. You don't have to wear a lace bra, anything goes really, a crop top, use colour if you want to really make it pop, or wear absolutely nothing.

So that's my take on the PJ trend. Of course there's sooo many different ways to style this trend and personal style will make everyones outfit different.

The reason I only did DO's and not DON'T, is because I think there's no rules in Fashion. Anyway who am I to tell you what not to wear!

Don't forget to check out Neals page, he's an amazing photographer:

Instagram -nealbyrnephoto

Website -

Facebook - nealbyrnephotography

Hope you enjoyed, I've posted some of my favourite PJ looks below. Enjoy!!


Zoë Elizabeth


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