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The Reason I started Blogging

Since a young age I collected magazines such as Vogue and Elle (you should see the stack in my bedroom). I would highlight the pages that I loved with all my favourite collections and campaigns, something I still do now.

I would read the same magazine for a whole month until the next one came out. Of course I followed trends and I still do now but being different was always something I tried to be.

As I got older the internet became huge, I started following more and more bloggers. I have a huge admiration for bloggers but thought to myself why can't I do that.

Many people urged me to blog, but to be honest I just wasn't brave enough. And to be perfectly honest, I still have major fear every time I post something new online.

I've never really cared what anyone thought of me I just wanted what I do to be good.

So the more and more times I saw amazing posts online, I would get more inspired until eventually I did it - finally!

But what was the main reason? - I want a platform to be similar to a diary except fashion based. I want to be able to inspire, the way I feel when I see other bloggers or magazine editorials. In no way am I comparing myself to Vogue but I think there's always room for inspiration. I also think that every blog is different in their own way and I wanted to bring something different which would be my style and my personal life.

I'm a huge believer of, if you want to do something, do it. Be it a job, traveling, setting up your own company, whatever! If you have a passion about something it will come easy to you, if you work hard and be dedicated of course.

So that's my little rant of wanting to be a blogger. Hope it made sense.

Thanks for reading! and if you liked my outfit i've posted the details below. Don't forget to check out Neals page, he's an amazing photographer: Facebook -nealbyrnephoto or his website -


Top and skirt - Folkster

Faux Fur - United Colours of Benetton


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